
Giving Tree Donor Recognition Walls

Are you looking for an eye-catching, eco friendly and economical donor wall to recognize your sponsors and supporters? If so, consider a custom Giving Tree Donor Recognition Wall made from our Sunwood Series of solar engraved wooden components. 

Recognition walls, particularly Giving Tree or Tree of Life Donor Walls, are a popular and effective tool for fundraising. In addition to publicly appreciating ongoing supporters, they’re also really effective at engaging potential donors by generating interest, piquing curiosity, and initiating new conversations and inquiries.

Donor Recognition Trees are customized to fit your wall

Our Giving Tree Donor Walls are custom designed and fabricated to fit your space, no matter how big or small, as well as your requirements, no matter how many individuals or donor levels you are recognizing. We use wood, which is a natural, versatile, and eco-friendly material that people love to see and touch. Plus, we use a nature-based design approach to our Giving Tree installations, which makes them easy for you to install and allows them to grow organically over time along with your donors.


Not only do donor recognition trees look beautiful and inviting, they’re also great for raising funds or capital! For example, a donor tree with 100 leaves and an average donation of $150 will raise $15,000; while a giving tree with 250 leaves and an average donation of $400 can raise $100,000! This makes donor trees an ideal way to raise funds for community centers, schools, hospitals, care facilities, museums, churches, seniors’ homes, synagogues, associations, social housing, and new buildings. 

What is a Donor Recognition Tree?
A donor recognition tree is a wall installation that is designed to publicly recognize your donors, funders and supporters. The tree leaves are made at various sizes to represent different levels of sponsorship, and each leaf is typically personalized like a small plaque to recognize each donor’s support. The beauty of a giving tree donor walls is that they’re designed to grow and expand over time, which makes them particularly suitable for ongoing fundraisers and campaigns.

Donor Recognition Trees by Eclipse Awards

We offer 3 levels of donor tree packages at fixed prices that include free custom design and free shipping. If needed, each package can be customized further with added recognition components to suit your particular needs. Your donor recognition tree will be unique because:

  1. Our free, collaborative design process will ensure that your donor tree fits your space and suits your requirements perfectly.

  2. All components are made of wood, cut and engraved with our solar powered laser.

  3. We provide you with a custom installation template so that you can easily install your donor tree, potentially saving you thousands of dollars.

  4. We design our donor trees so that you can add new leaf donor plaques easily by hand, as needed, which allows your tree to grow organically over time. 

  5. With every project, we provide you with a custom catalog that outlines all of your giving tree components so that you can easily order new parts when you need them.

If you’re interested in a donor recognition tree for your organization, fill out our no obligation intake form and we’ll send you a quote!

About our Donor Recognition Tree Packages

All of our Giving Tree Packages come with everything you need to create a beautiful, effective, and eco-friendly donor recognition wall, including:

  • Free graphic design - our design process helps us to understand your needs and create the perfectly sized donor tree for your space and your organization

  • No errors - we provide pre-production artwork proofs for your review and approval. Request unlimited design revisions at no charge until you approve the design. 

  • Everything you need - we provide all components for your donor tree, including:
          1. A custom title for your donor tree installation
          2. All personalized donor leaves, accent leaves and branches
          3. A legend to display your donor levels
          4. The central tree trunk engraved with your special message
          5. Double-sided tape on all pieces and a custom mounting template for easy do-it-yourself installation

  • Fixed, all in pricing - with our simple pricing and no setup charges or hidden fees, you’ll know exactly how much your donor tree will cost before your project begins. 

  • Free shipping - if you have 6 weeks lead time or more, we provide free shipping to any location in Canada or mainland USA.


Recommended for 3 to 5 levels of donor recognition.

- up to 100 personalized leaf donor elements, with up to 3 lines of text per leaf
- 25 “blank” leaves as decorative accent leaves.
- a custom template for simple DIY installation
- a digital catalog to summarize your project’s components and help you reorder


Recommended for 4 to 7 levels of donor recognition.

- up to 200 personalized leaf donor elements, with up to 3 lines of text per leaf
- 25 “blank” leaves as decorative accent leaves.
- a custom template for simple DIY installation
- a digital catalog to summarize your project’s components and help you reorder


Donor Tree Packages are sized to fit walls that are approximately 8’ high. However, if your available space is larger or smaller, let us know and we can modify the design to make sure it fits and looks great on your wall.  CLICK HERE to fill in our intake form to get your donor tree underway! 
          -  add 1 personalized donor elements (leaf or bird) for $60
          -  add 5 personalized donor elements (leaf or bird) for $200 ($40 each)
          -  add 10 personalized donor elements (leaf or bird) for $350 ($35 each)
          -  add 25 personalized donor elements (leaf or bird) for $750 ($30 each)
          -  add 50 personalized donor elements (leaf or bird) for $1250 ($25 each)

How to Order your Donor Recognition Tree

  1. To begin, complete our intake form to give us some more information about your project. This is required if you simply want to explore your donor tree and get a quote, or if you are actually ready to get your project underway. 

  2. If you know what donor tree package you’re interested in already, you can place your order online and add options during the checkout process. Or you can wait until the design process has started and add options then as needed. 

  3. Once we have received your intake form and reviewed your details, we will contact you to discuss any remaining questions. Then we can provide you with a quote and timeline for your donor tree.

  4. If you’ve already placed your order online, we will then begin your design process. Otherwise, you’ll need to confirm your quote and provide us with a 50% deposit for the design process to begin.

  5. During the design process, we will incorporate all of the details you’ve provided into a custom design for your space. You can then request unlimited design changes at no charge until you approve the overall design. The design process can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks depending on the complexity of your donor recognition wall.

  6. Once you sign off on the final design, we start making your donor tree and no further changes are possible. We create all of your donor tree components, as well as a custom template for installation, then ship everything to you. Production and shipping take approximately 3 weeks in total.

How to Install your Donor Recognition Tree

Your donor recognition tree will be shipped to you with everything you need to complete your installation, including a custom template created specially for your project. To install your donor tree, follow these steps:

  1. Clear some space so that you can unpak all of your components and unfold your installation template.

  2. Prepare the surface of your wall by washing it with STP to remove any dust or oils that may be present.

  3. Once your wall is cleaned and dry, use a tape measure and level to secure the installation template in place according to the instructions provided. Take your time to ensure the template is correctly aligned and secure as this will be the foundation of your installation.

  4. With your template placed on the wall, begin to remove the double sided tape from the back of each component, find its location on the wall within the template, then press it firmly into place to secure it.

  5. Work carefully in sections while referring to your installation instructions. Add one piece at a time until all components have been secured to your wall.

  6. Once all components are in place, carefully remove the template and store it safely in case you need to use it again.

  7. Your donor tree installation is now complete and ready to enjoy!



A) Example of adhesive on back of Donor Element

B) Peel off the backing to expose the adhesive

C) Align the element over the opening in the template.

D) Press the adhesive side firmly onto the wall and hold for 5 seconds.

How to Update and Expand your Donor Recognition Tree

Over time you may need to expand your donor tree to recognize new donors that have come on board. We make that easy for you to do by:

  1. Providing you with a digital catalog of all the components of your installation so that you can easily order more donor elements as you need them, and they will be consistent with what you already have in place.

  2. When you receive new donor leaves or birds, you can simply place them on the wall freehand, where you like. Because there are no fixed or “correct” locations for each piece, your installation will grow organically. 

  3. If you have donor elements you no longer want, we also provide thinner wood “caps” that can be used to cover them up. Caps can either be blank, or they can have personalization. 

Giving Tree Donor Recognition Wall Gallery
